Saturday, February 1, 2014

Packing? Or to make the moving process a tad bit less draining

Packing has always been one of those chores I will put off until it cannot wait any longer. Oh the joys of moving .. We know it's a necessary evil or even torture for us to endure but it ultimately is also very exciting and gives us the chance to recreate our living spaces into our new dream homes :-)  A great task to look forward to! So...even though I got a little off track with my move..( ie: taking an hour & half long Pinterest break) I count that as "productive" inspirational time to help motivate me in the process ! 

Obviously it always helps to maintain more of a minimalist style but even then we can find ourselves still having soo MANY things to transport-- thk God for movers!! :-) 
To avoid stressing out during your move start Early, and think ahead!!  If you honestly haven't "worn it" or "thought about it" in the last 7 months you may need to just give it away friend. One less thing you'll need to worry about. 
A fantastic website to check out for some great move-out tips & checklists is :

Thank me later ! Xo

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